Tony Holmwood
Manuscript development from semi-academic to professional, accessible content.
Self publishing advice and strategic marketing and positioning strategy.
Review and revision of the draft manuscript, reworking the manuscript with Tony, working on the title.
Creating a content marketing strategy linked with launch and integrated organic content plan.
Best Behaviour. Empowering managers and HR leaders to coach and align employee
behaviours to supercharge growth.
Introducing the Balanced Behavioural Development Model.
Steady sales, increased speaking engagements/interviews in Australia and internationally, development of strategic alliances
Jaqui brings substantial experience and foresight to the book publishing journey. I engaged Jaqui in 2018 to coach me through editing my book Best Behaviour, an innovative approach to promoting high performance cultures in workplaces through behavioural learning and development. The book is foundered on personal development techniques and draws on substantial research and thought provoking arguments.
Jaqui not only managed the project with high integrity and conviction, but also brought some valuable thought leadership on what are very difficult topics. I highly recommend Jaqui’s authentic, professional approach to book publishing, including content, marketing and quality.