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How to write a great business book

Great business books

I’ve lost count of the number of business (and other) books I’ve read over my lifetime. Currently I read about 100 books a year, half for the business writing that I do and the other half for pleasure. Over the…

Why is the cover of your business book so important?

You have probably heard the saying you can’t judge a book by its cover. It's true and it goes for business books as well.

The reality is most people do judge business books by their cover, just like most people make immediate, unconscious judgements about people based on the way they look.

Have you got a business book mindset?

I’ve worked out why you haven’t started your book. I’ve just spent the day in a business accelerator program (Dale Beaumont’s Business Blueprint program). It’s a full on day with three sessions over 6 hours. I am always energised by…