Category Planning

Travelling and writing

For many people writing their book is something they’re ‘going to do’ on their business trip or holiday. At first this seems like a great idea. You are less stressed, there’s more down time to think and write, there might…

How to unblock writer’s block

Every writer I know has trouble writing. Joseph Heller The first thing to say about writer’s block is that pretty much everyone who writes gets it. If you’ve never written a book before you’re more than likely going to face…

How and Where to Sell your Book

There are seven key things you need to understand if you want to sell your business book successfully. This includes: knowing your target audience, being clear about your purpose, leveraging your existing networks, building new networks and links early, upgrading your website and having a plan and budget. This simple steps will help you market and sell your business book.

Five tips for building your business book plan

Knowing where to start when writing your first business book is difficult. Most people simply start writing and then get distracted, despondent at the lack of progress or confused about what they've written. Writing a successful business book requires a clear plan, understanding of what you want to say and the target audience you want to reach.

Brand Me. Be the CEO of your own career

Digital disruption doesn't just apply to companies. It applies to you. The world has changed. It’s not about Discover me, it’s about Brand Me. Everyone needs a personal digital strategy, and he means everyone – Baby Boomers, Gen X and Gen Y. Everyone has to evolve their work identity: How you see, how you are seen and how you project yourself. It's time to be the CEO of your own career, at whatever point you are in it. And, crafting your own business book can be a core part of this.