The old saying is ‘Don’t judge a book by its cover.’
The reality is though, especially in the content overloaded world we live in, is that potential customers and clients DO and WILL judge your book by its cover, and the back cover (summary and endorsements of well-known people) and, if you’ve captured their attention, your introduction.
Next to the cover (front and back) your Introduction is THE MOST IMPORTANT part of your book. It has to be great. It needs to establish your key insights, understanding of the challenges the potential reader faces and your unique insight in to these.
You’ve got about 60 seconds to capture their attention with your introduction, so it has to be good. It’s the elevator pitch of your book.
When you are thinking about your introduction paint a picture of the context of your product/service, the challenges your audience face every day, the context in which they face it and how they feel about. Then, show them the fresh perspective you bring that will help them solve this challenge.
But how? Here’s a quick guide for creating your introduction in three paragraphs.
Paragraph 1
Start your story with a statement that’s an easy ‘yes’.
Remind them of the challenge that stands in their way.
Paragraph 2
Paint a picture of the future – Imagine if?
Show them that this picture of the future already exists (with your product/service).
Paragraph 3
Share why you are excited about this (yes, share your emotions) and how your book/eBook, thought leadership piece will assist them.
This is the essence of your Introduction.
Try to keep it to less than 350 words. Make sure the first paragraph puts your reader centre stage. Remember, it’s not about you . . . it’s about them.
If you want some help or would like me to review what you have written just send me an email: [email protected]